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Tuesday 1 November 2011

Cliché away!

Here we go, the first post of the blog. What better way to surprise you than talk about how it was that my mind was instilled with the idea of beginning a blog! While it may be done to death, it's only fair that my soul-searching tale is told to all of you...

... well, actually, it isn't that mind-blowing. To tell the truth, it's quite dull. It's even more boring than a cutscene from Metal Gear Solid. But you're going to read it, and you're going to ENJOY IT! (sorry for any memories that may have resurfaced from that last line, involving teachers and text analysis of To Kill A Mockingbird or really any of those other crappy books)

Basically, for me to get motivated to do ANYTHING, there a few circumstances that need to take place. Either:
1) There needs to be some sort of life goal that requires the action be underken, OR
2) I'm passionate enough to take some sort of action OR
3) You just do it for no apparant reason

I summarise this with : Need to, Want to, Just do.

In the case of "Want to", I usually require 2 epiphanies of the same nature within a 4 week period to motivate me. This was the case of me and blogging. The first of these was brought about when 2 of my friends had started a blog. But did I feel betrayed by them and hurt? Was I jealous? Did I want to rip their eyes from their sockets and devour them with some peanut butter?! Yes, but that's not the point. It was then that I realised a blog was a great idea!

The second epiphany came whilst I was sitting on the computer, bored (as usual). Whilst I could extend this story so that it takes up 2 pages, i'll instead shorten it to a flow chart:

Things to do when bored -> Stumbleupon-> humourous sites -> hilarious blog -> EPIPHANY!!!

And here I am, after employing some design techniques and coming up with crappy concepts as to what to name myself, I have finally reached the level known as:


So, here's a list of things to expect from me on a weekly basis:

  • Nothing
However, i'll be sure to throw in random assortments of observations and crazy convolutions of the truth. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you stick around for more!

P.S. Any and all comments are accepted, feel free to point out grammar mistakes and so forth (I don't promise I'll correct them, but I like to know anyway :) )

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