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Wednesday 2 November 2011

School of Stupidity

While I can't say I haven't noticed it before, this is the first time I'm going to say it on a public forum whereby a crew of teenagers can band together with me on one thing. That thing being that...

... School is ridiculous.

I mean, I'm not talking about "I don't like doing work" and "This test is hard". I'm talking about the real flaws in schools, the one thing they don't teach you (Actually, that's not fair. They also don't teach you useful things)

Over the course of this blog, you'll probably hear me bitch and moan about the school system more times than Mario hits a floating block, but I have a reason I complain about it so much.

It's shit.

And isn't that reason enough? It's what motivated Link, he traveled to the future and saw how shitty it was, then took on a million dungeons just to save the world from its gloomy fate (also, he probably got in with Princes Zelda, but that was just an awesome bonus prize :) ) So I find it that I must travel down the path of Link. Battling through dungeons (classrooms), slashing my enemies (douchebags) and, hopefully, overcoming Ganandorf (the school system) to save the world (get good grades) and rescue Princess Zelda (make awesome friends :) )

But it's not enough to do all of this, for we know people have accomplished this before. They mock me, watching my every move and cackling "Been there, done that" in a voice reminiscent of Gigi from Geist. It sickens me, knowing that whatever I achieve will not be unique. So, I write to you, my readers.

I may bitch, and I may moan, and I may shout my f**king head off trying to vent my anger. But let it be known that I do this for you, for everyone, to try and make the student's voice heard!

Rally behind me if you hate the way your school operates!
Rally behind me if you are one crappy teacher away fom saying "Enough is enough!"
Hell, even rally behind me if you just hate authority figures!

But most importantly, rally behind me if you think, no, if you KNOW, that you could do a better job than those high-and-mighty officials!

And maybe, just maybe, our voices will be heard.

Let this post be the first of many; let us start the revolution today! We still want school, we just want it the good way. OUR way.

Many posts in the weeks, months and years (Hey, this blog might last that long!) to come, pointing out the numerous flaws of the school system.

And as always, keep watching the blogs!

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